Way back in late summer 2009, in their Jordan Lane flat in Edinburgh, this became the 'theme song' of what was coming - a new vision. Dave & Kate had just moved into the flat and Music began to stir again, this time to do it right:
"its gonna take plenty of money to do it right... its gonna take time... its gonna take patience and time to do it right...".
Brian, Agnes, Will, Georgie & Brother Mark can already testify to that!
The return of Europe & Music! This song became very significant during the summer of 2010 when Europe was turning into reality:
"...it all makes sense to me somehow..."
"...and its not what it used to be, no, we're suddenly free to let go..."
"...these are times that come, only once in your life, or twice if you're lucky..."
Another song that found them back in the 'incubation period' of Jordan Lane and which Brother Mark reminded them of in January 2011, Berlin.
The song of Movement! In the last few weeks before leaving Edinburgh, this became THE SONG!
"...Let me tell you if you're not wrong then everything is alright..."
"...We know where we're going, we know where we're from, we're leaving Babylon, we're going to our Fatherland..."
"...Oh people if you're ready me say get on board now... and then you praise 'fari"
"...Here you're going in the same direction"
"...And where there's a will, there's always a way..."
Back in the 1980s, when Dave was 7 years old, he used to be fascinated by maps and was especially intrigued by the Eastern Europe area and places like Berlin. He'd listen to the radio with his friends and they'd study the atlas... they could name the capital cities to most countries in the world. This song was a hit at that time and for some reason it always made Dave think of Berlin and wonder what it would be like. To suddenly hear it come on the radio in January 2011 in Berlin was like deja vu.
Dave & Kate laughed as they began to realise they were in the army Now! They were SoulJah's on the frontline of a 7-strong army and on the look-out for new recruits. Jah Rastafari!!!
Many a time when Dave & Kate were feeling stuck and helpless this song would appear...
The 'theme song' to the crushing of ego and return to the Natural State...
The money song...
First heard back in Barcelona and has been a companion to Dave & Kate ever since...