On Tuesday 11th January 2011, the signs were abundant.
The song 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow' came on the radio 3 times in the space of 2 or 3 hours, on two different radio stations. Dave & Kate had been listening to the radio on and off in the space of that time and it seemed each time they turned it on or changed stations, the song would be there.
Later on, another old friend in the form of song made an appearance - 'I Need A Dollar' - followed by 'Lean On Me'.
Shortly after that, Kate found a small orange butterfly sticker in the bottom of her toiletry bag (with no idea where it came from). When she came through to the living room to show Dave, he had a huge grin on his face as Bob Marley's 'Is This Love' was playing on the radio.
They had just enough money left after this apartment to secure one more apartment in Berlin for a week or two. They were sure after this there time in Berlin had come to its natural end for now. With little effort, the right apartment appeared on the following day, 12th January, with just under a week to go and again, it was slightly further east. The title of it had the word 'Kunst' in it - German for art. They got it for 7 nights.