Saturday, March 05, 2011

After Vienna

During the final 2 weeks in Vienna another thing became clear...

The blog in this form had come to it's natural end also.  Words and still images alone can only go so far.

Armed with their new weapons, it became clear there was something else to be expressed in ways that words felt too clumsy to carry out.  So with the beginning of the Music, so it is the end of the blog in this form.

If Berlin is The Heart of Europe, then Budapest may be the Belly, where the fire of creativity burns, and so from here on we say goodbye to these words and images...

Now is the time for... The Sketches of Europa

The Music of Vienna

Yet again in this apartment they were kept inside for most of the 2 weeks, allowing the chaos that had been in the air to die down and sort itself out.

Gradually everything began to fall into place.  The laptop finally all set up and running in English, some instruments to travel with arrived by post, and anything else that was required to allow a more efficient way of functioning in this new creative era began to appear.  Vienna had delivered the Music as Dave & Kate felt it would when they arrived but in a totally different way to how they might have imagined it.

There was no need to wander the streets soaking up Vienna's musical heritage as the Music was delivered to them through modern means without them needing to move much from the apartments they stayed in.

They definitely recognised an old phase had died out and a new phase was being born and that was enough.  Vienna had given birth to the Music and now it was about to hand them over to Budapest armed with their weapons of mass destruction - ready to take apart the old and let something new shine in it's place.


Just as in the first apartment in Barcelona, the second apartment they moved into in Vienna wasn't plain-sailing.  They arrived at the apartment on Eckertgasse in the Favoriten district to find Tanja, the owner, a very nice Austrian woman who somehow reminded them of Susanna, with the windows wide open and apologising for the stink of cigarette smoke. 

Later that evening as Dave was "gone" lying on the bed and Kate in the bathroom, there was a knock on the door and two guys entered with Ikea bags and fresh linen ready to change all the linen in the apartment.  They had figured the cigarette smoke would have already got onto the bed and couch and had thoughtfully came to replace it.  They quickly dismantled what they needed to and before you knew it, the duvet and pillow cases were fresh again and they were gone.  Dave stood there watching still coming round from wherever he had been.

The next morning Dave noticed the stove top had only one hob working.  The kitchen was the tiniest they'd had to negotiate with yet.  A call was made to Tanja who came round and had a look.  She left pliers out for them to turn the broken knob with and promised to sort it out properly in a few days.  When they arrived back from their walk that afternoon they found a new plug-in stove top sitting in the kitchen.

A Viennese Waltzing Washing Machine
The night before Kate had received an email newsletter from Eckhart Tolle, their first night in the Eckertgasse apartment.  These words were in it:

"One day, something else wants to be done that needs doing. You might perceive it as something that you need to do. Suddenly you know what it is that you need to do. It comes from within, or it comes from without – some situation in your life. Then, “awakened doing” begins to happen. That doing is not the egoic doing, where whatever you do is a means to an end. There is deep enjoyment in the doing. There is not an excessive desire to achieve, but you achieve actually more - because there’s so much enjoyment in the doing that the end result looks after itself. A very different kind of doing arises, that is not motivated by desire. The normal way is thinking “I need to achieve this”."

"As Presence moves through you, it’s not based on desire anymore, it’s based on enjoyment. It’s not based on wanting or needing anything, because you’re coming from fullness. The action is not designed to fulfill you. It’s not designed to add something to you. The action is coming out of the fullness in which you already dwell – so there’s no neediness in it.

Obstacles arise, as they will, especially if you do things that go against the conditioning of the world – you may find obstacles. You also may find enormous power helping you.

Obstacles may come in the form of uncooperative people, or situations, but enormous power will also flow into what you do and help you in many ways. Just the right thing, just at the right moment, just the right person. When obstacles do arise, they are not regarded as enemies. The ego regards any obstacle to its course of action as an enemy.

An obstacle is accepted for what it is, and you work with it – not against it. Or you work around it, or you take its energy and turn it around. It becomes incorporated into what you have to do. You don’t see any more enemies in the form of unhelpful situations, uncooperative people. Everything is embraced for what it is, accepted for what it is, and transformed. It’s not so much that you are doing it, you become a vehicle for the doing. It happens through you. The power comes when it wants to come."

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Rose

The symbol of the rose continued to follow Dave & Kate.

On the bus from Prague to Vienna a girl sitting just across from them had this bag...

On their first stroll out in Vienna they passed a shop with this displayed in the window...

And on 14th Feb, Valentine's Day, not only did a new computer appear, but as they returned to the apartment via Spar the woman at the check-out handed out a fresh rose.  It sat on the glass coffee table for the rest of their time in the apartment...

Dark Clouds The Music

Often the way of Life seems to be that when you are down and out, feeling vulnerable and confused, if you don't panic, something will eventually come to cushion you and lift you up again.  A gift appears and everything seems to come together for a time.  It is often also around this time that trouble comes knocking - "dark forces" which seem to be intent on retaining the status quo at all costs.

Those "dark forces" can take many forms, from the ordinary to the extraordinary, but Dave & Kate (and many others before them) are well aware that something seems to not want anything truly new to be born into this reality.

Their second week in Vienna, once they'd recognised now was the time for Music to come into the picture and that a new phase had begun, was fraught with challenges.  It seemed as if a dark cloud had come to rain on their parade and wouldn't budge.  It was all designed to throw them into chaos and make them doubt themselves, sucking the enthusiastic energy in the same way it was sucking money from them.

Almost every item they knew they required ended up costing more than they'd anticipated through a bizzare series of events and even when they got a break - a free tram ride from Sam the Tram Man - pretty soon they'd be stung from another direction.  The flow of the previous week had certainly been obstructed in some way now that what they had envisioned back in Berlin was becoming a reality.

There was also a familiar pattern emerging here.  Just as in their first week in Europe, back in Barcelona, they seemed to be under attack from all directions, as if something didn't want Europe - the first phase - to happen, it now felt as if that same thing was now trying to prevent the second phase - Music - happening.

From Elisabeth Straße To Bösendorfer Straße

The first few days were spent emailing.  They would nip down to the Spar, buy their groceries and do the Work they had to do, taking turns on the PC.  Going out and about exploring Vienna wasn't on the agenda. 

Pretty soon Music began to show itself.  They had checked in on the Wednesday and on Sunday 6th February it was the birth date of Bob Marley.  Late night Saturday going into that Sunday morning Bob appeared for them in the form of an interview with The Wailers on youtube they hadn't seen before.  They watched it all the way through and it felt as if what was being spoken was happening now.

Going into the next week Dave & Kate found themselves watching something music related every night.  They didn't have to go looking, something would always appear and stir their enthusiasm for Music.  The cable TV in the apartment even had a bunch of music concerts on-demand for free.  They watched The Bee Gees and then they watched an old BBC documentary on music presented by Sir George Martin called 'Rhythm Of Life' on youtube.  Dave had this on tape from years back but watching it again brought new meaning.  Much of it was analytical mind stuff but whenever someone spoke truly of Music it would please Dave & Kate.
Their enthusiasm for Music was growing in intensity each day and then a gift was presented to them.  Will & Georgie, two of the SoulJah's, came along with a very generous offer of financial help.  Initially, Dave & Kate were just delighted and grateful that Europe wasn't coming to an end yet.  They hadn't been worried about the fact they would again be checking out of this apartment with nothing (they were so immersed in Music) but they were aware it was on the cards unless something came.  Now that it had they began to realise a further aspect was opening up for them.  For the first time since arriving in Europe they were in a position to look further than survival. 

They realised that this could bring into reality what they had spoken of back in Berlin.  In that period, it became clear to them what they needed to take things further.  All that was stopping them was money.  They had felt it was coming and then felt slightly confused when royalties never appeared.  They couldn't see another way the amount of money they needed could come to them.  Maybe they had been a little too eager and premature.  Jah delivered it a few weeks later.

The first 10 days in the apartment they had been out into the centre of Vienna ONCE.  They didn't feel they were missing anything.  They knew they'd come to Vienna for Music but had anticipated being out and about, soaking up the musical heritage of the city.  Instead they found Music was coming to them direct through their apartment via modern technology.

As Dave sat staring blankly at the map of Vienna one day, he laughed out loud as he spotted a street called Elisabeth Straße which ran into Bösendorfer Straße (named after the famous Austrian Bösendorfer piano).


Everything in life is happening in cycles or seasons.  It started to become clear to Dave & Kate in Prague that there was a pattern to what was going on.  This period was feeling very much like a previous period they'd went through back in Paris.

Back then they'd come to the end of the money they had, they were staying in hotels and there was a lot of confusion and misunderstanding around.  Towards the end of Dresden it began to feel like this all over again.

This was more than simply a feeling.  After the storm in Paris, an apartment showed up for them which had a PC.  Perfect for emailing, of which they had a lot to do.  Now this apartment in Vienna also had a PC at a time when they really needed one.  The Truffaut apartment in Paris was in the 17th district.  This apartment was in the 17th district of Vienna.  The owner of the Truffaut was called Elizabeth, the owner of this apartment was called Elisabeth.

As they entered the apartment they were both struck by how it reminded them of the Truffaut one.  Yellow and orange colour scheme, about the same size overall, the bedroom was arranged almost identically, there was a glass coffee table in each apartment with a guest book on it... these features weren't in every apartment they had stayed in.  The 3 butterflies of Paris had also returned, this time on a mug which Kate would drink from...

Maybe more bizarre was the message graffiti'd on the light in the lift...

On the last day in this apartment they would walk a different way down the street it was on and pass this sign...

Without Brian & Agnes, Dave & Kate wouldn't even have been there.

Just like with Kaisers in Berlin, they were super close to a supermarket.  In fact, this was the closest they'd been, a Spar literally 2 mins round the corner.  They would understand why later. 

As they walked the short distance in this area they already could feel a different energy in Vienna.  It was very serene.  They were just off a busy main street with shops but there was an unusual quietness to the place and they found this everywhere they went in Vienna.  It immediately felt good to be here.

The first night in the apartment they went to bed around 3am.  As Dave was drifting off to sleep he thought he could faintly hear some music he recognised.  It sounded like a ukulele strumming.  Then he heard a familiar voice.  Was this real or a dream?  The upstairs neighbour was playing "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" at 4am!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Right from the beginning, when Kate said "it feels like we're here on a business trip", it went that way.  The 3 days became a blur and the whole focus seemed to be on getting to Vienna.

This was a new experience for them as even back in Hamburg where they stayed only 3 nights they were able to immerse themselves into the city.  In Prague it felt very different.

It is probably one of the most beautiful cities they've been to but as they strolled around in the cold the urgency to get to Vienna was palpable.  They had no idea why, except that it might be the Music - it was like Vienna had sprung up into the consciousness and made its voice heard, calling them on.

Kate's feeling to enquire about Vienna apartments back in Berlin served them well.  She was able to go through the list and write to them again with new dates.  The cheapest offer was EUR 400 for 2 weeks.  They were happy with this one... or so they thought.  The reservation was made but Dave felt very restless that night about the apartment situation and so at 1am they went back down to the PC at reception.  The next best offer was from the same woman - another apartment in the same area for EUR 450.  Only this time Dave spotted that a PC with internet was listed.  They hadn't seen that first time around.  They quickly wrote to the woman and switched apartments.  Now they could rest as the right one had been uncovered.

Another night in the aparthotel Dave was sitting on the bed absently singing away to himself when the next minute he found himself humming some classical music - a rare occurence.  He turned to Kate and said "that's Strauss isn't is?  Wasn't he Austrian?" and they were sure it was The Blue Danube - titles of classical pieces not being their forte.  And it was.  An anthem of Vienna and Austria.